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This is an interactive version of the population model from Flake and Shalizi that can exhibit chaotic behaviour. It demonstrates that chaos can appear even in the simplest systems. (Or does it? See below.) So what you're looking at is the equation below, iterated for one hundred time steps.

The equation: Xt+1 = 4rxt (1 - xt)

Here are the controls:

Some more notes:

Use the fine-grained controls to have a look at some of the periodic and chaotic regions (r > ~0.75). What do you notice? This can give a good intutive feel for the way the iteration propagates through all the timesteps.

Notice especially - in regions where the first few timesteps have periodicity - what difference changing the sweep decimal makes. The finer-grained you go, the more predictable in the short term the system becomes - but it doesn't last long, and, for floats in Java at least, you quickly reach the limits of calculability.

Chaos: is it really 'out there' in the meatworld or just 'in here?' where our numbers have rounding errors?

That brings us to the final point: Flake asks - "How do we know if computer simulations of chaos are valid in the sense that they yield true characterisations of real chaos? Worse still, is it possible that 'chaos' is nothing more than a computer artifact that results from trying to represent a stochastic world with digital numbers?" (Flake, p.153)

Flake does give an answer, but it makes no sense to me, since it's still based on 'shadowing' a simulated chaotic system with another simulation. Surely that just begs the question? Answers on a postcard please.

Source code: CodingClubLogisticMapSweepR3

Built with Processing and Processing.js